Slušajte muziku

Muzika je čarobna!

O autoru

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Maja Dakić-Brković, nastavnik klavira u Muzičkoj školi „Vojislav-Lale Stefanović“, Užice, Srbija
Interesovanja: muzika, duhovnost, priroda, jezici, čitanje, Internet, računari, Linuks

Kontakt: Twitter: @maja_prolece

Moji blogovi:

Slušajte muziku:

Piano Duo Brkovic:

Podcast blog – Sviranje mojih učenika 2019/2020

Podcast blog – Sviram đačke kompozicije 2019/2020

Podcast blog – Sviranje mojih učenika 2011/2012

Listen to Concerts Online:

My ePortfolio for Podcasting for the EFL/ESL Classroom EVO Session 2012:

My ePortfolio for Digital Tools with Purpose in the Classroom EVO Session 2012:

Bolje ćete me upoznati, ako pročitate nekoliko citata koji mi se dopadaju.

It’s critical that you know you can really make a difference.
– Yehuda Berg

Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.
– Benjamin Disraeli

William Blake’s advice to divide up your day: „Think in the morning, act in the noon, read in the evening, and sleep at night.“

When you take a leap of faith, make it a giant one, because you can’t cross a canyon in two small steps.
– Yehuda Berg

I have no actual existence independent of your imagination.
– Steve Pavlina

On a scale of 1-10, how difficult are the challenges you’re currently facing? 8-10 is a good range for growth.
– Steve Pavlina

Hope is putting faith to work when doubting would be easier.
– Anonymous

If you want to know who you are, observe your thoughts, because it begins there.
– Yehuda Berg

Work joyfully and peacefully, knowing that right thoughts and right efforts will inevitably bring about right results.
– James Allen

To find the biggest opportunities, look into the changes that many are still resisting.
– Steve Pavlina

The ONLY way to do GREAT work is to LOVE what you do.
– Steve Jobs

If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it’s yours. If it does not come back, it was never meant to be.

You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be doubts of today.
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around.
– Henry David Thoreau

What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve.
– Napoleon Hill

Written by mdb

21. oktobra 2011. u 13:11

2 reagovanja

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  1. Поздрав колегинице,
    ја сам Саша и професор сам клавира у Музичкој школи „Исидор Бајић“ у Новом Саду. Учесник сам семинара Бтф у настави у новембру и пратећи блогове на edublogodak-u „набасао“ сам на Ваш блог. Допао ми се и ставио сам банер који води до њега на своје блогове (slikesaizlož i Надам се да немате ништа против.

    Саша Свијић

    2. decembra 2011. at 22:43

  2. Поздрав, колега! Баш сте ме обрадовали! 🙂
    Погледала сам Ваше блогове и много су ми се допали! Честитам! Додала сам линкове за њих на овај мој блог.
    Хвала за преузимање бенера и повезивање.
    И ја сам похађала БТФ семинар. Полако се повећава број блогова наставника, што ме баш радује.
    Повећава се и понуда online семинара. Надам се да ћемо се срести на некоме од њих. 🙂
    Све најбоље и хвала на коментару.


    3. decembra 2011. at 14:17

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